Life Coaching with Alex: Create a Vision, Build a Plan, Take Action.
Are you ready for a meaningful, powerful life change?
Do you seek clarity and direction to make your vision a reality, but feel stuck in the same unhelpful patterns?
Making life changes can feel overwhelming, but you don’t have to do it alone.
As your life coach, I can help you:
· Connect with your core values to uncover what motivates and inspires you
· Help sharpen your view of your life, and your ability to create happiness
· Push through obstacles and break out of unhelpful patterns
· Take meaningful action to make powerful, long-lasting life changes
The bottom line: I can help you design your life, your way.
Below are some of the major life domains we can design and plan for .
Job fulfillment is consistently ranked as one of the most critical factors to overall well-being. Coaching can help you to find the best career for you.
Coaching will help you uncover your values and get you to think in different ways, which will spark new and exciting actions.
Discover how to create more fulfilling relationships or to find a partner who brings out the best in you and others.
Learn to value your time and to be able to create work/life balance.
I coach because I love to help people share their unique strengths with the world and live their life to the fullest. Before I decided to become a Certified Life Coach, I worked in the financial services industry and the tech sector. In these roles, I experienced a wide variety of people and situations, and acquired the skills and insight to coach on a broad range of issues
I coach because I believe that each person has unique gifts that they need to share with the world! I have completed my life coaching training program that has been accredited by the International Coaching Federation.
“The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.”